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The Helpers

Jul 31, 2019

Let's have a chat about motivation. Is there a trick or tip that can help us always be switched on and ready to go? This week I share my journey of motivation and how I like to keep the flow turned on.

Jul 24, 2019

This week I interview Helper Leonie Dawson. Grab a cuppa and enjoy the chat about burn out, being a helper and we also touch on money.


Jul 17, 2019

Lets have a chat about something that can be hard to understand sometimes. Our thoughts. Today, I am trying to explain the power of our thoughts and most importantly the power of the awareness we hold.

Jul 17, 2019

In Celebration of 30 episodes, I am sharing with you, my story as a helper. 


Jul 10, 2019

As helpers, our energy is needed.

Part of taking care of ourselves is not only recharging our energy but knowing where we are spending it and the return we are getting.

This is crucial to where we are now and where we are going.

Today’s episodes I talk about energy and I share a strategy that is helpful when we are...