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The Helpers

Jan 29, 2020

Having goals is great. It feels good when you set them however working towards them can be hard, difficult and you can end up hating them. Or was that just me? 

So how do we make it happen? Is it something you are born with? 

Or is it a skill we can learn? 

This week I chat about my success with goals and...

Jan 22, 2020

This week I talk about doing what we say we want to do. 

It's not that we don't want to but life happens. 

Maybe you have a big goal or intention that can be hard to see how it's all going to come together. 

I know I have been there. 

This episode's aim is for you to feel good by breaking it down.

I will walk you...

Jan 15, 2020

Welcome to the first episode of 2020!


I have a chat about the year 2020, how I feel about New Year's resolutions, plans for Helpers Podcast in 2020 and lastly a little bit of inspiration and sharing how I set up my own year... hint its probably not the way your thinking I do it. 


Jan 15, 2020

In October 2019, I learned Transcendental Meditation. In this episode, I chat about what drew me to TM and also interview my TM teacher Wendy Rosenfeldt. If you are interested in finding out more about TM reach out to Wendy by email or head to the Australian TM site.